
How To mitigate the impact of ITP 2.1, ITP 2.2, and future ITP releases-Adobe Analytics

ITP 2.1 Capped client-side cookies that are placed on the browser using the document.cookie API to a seven-day expiry. Released February 21, 2019.
ITP 2.2 Drastically reduced the seven-day expiry cap to one day. Released April 24, 2019.

To mitigate the impact of ITP 2.1, ITP 2.2, and future ITP releases, complete the following tasks:

  1. Deploy the Experience Cloud ID (ECID) library to your pages.

The ECID library enables the people identification framework for Experience Cloud Core solutions. The ECID library allows you to identify same site visitors and their data in different Experience Cloud solutions by assigning persistent and unique identifiers. The ECID library will be updated frequently to help you mitigate any ITP-related changes that impact your implementation.

For ITP 2.1 and ITP 2.2, ECID library 4.3.0+ must be utilized for mitigation.

Check the link too: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/id-service/using/reference/ecid-library-methods.html

2. Use Adobe’s CNAME and Enroll in Adobe Analytics’ Managed Certificate Program.

After installing the ECID library 4.3.0+, you can leverage Adobe Analytics’ CNAME and Managed Certificate Program. This program lets you implement a first-party certificate for first-party cookies at no charge. Leveraging CNAME will help customers mitigate the impact of ITP 2.1 and ITP 2.2.

If you are not leveraging CNAME, you can start the process by talking with your account representative and enrolling in the Adobe Managed Certificate Program .

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