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- Basic Adobe Analytics Interview Questions
Basic Adobe Analytics Interview Questions
Manadatory to know for Adobe Analytics Interview

Adobe Analytics is a powerful platform with numerous features, tools, and concepts that can help businesses unlock the full potential of their data. Whether you're new to Adobe Analytics or looking to deepen your knowledge, this comprehensive guide will explain essential topics and provide actionable insights.
1. Difference Between Prop and eVar
Props (Traffic variables) capture data on a per-page basis and are used for pathing analysis.
eVars (Conversion variables) persist data beyond the initial hit, allowing you to track user actions through the funnel.
Example: A "Search Term" prop would track how often specific terms are entered, while an eVar would allow you to see how those terms contribute to conversions.
2. What is the Pathing Report?
The Pathing Report shows the sequence of pages or events visitors follow on your website. This report helps you analyze user navigation and identify drop-off points, improving site structure and conversion flows.
3. Explain Segment Comparison
Segment Comparison allows you to compare two or more audience segments side-by-side to uncover differences in behavior, demographics, or engagement. For example, compare "Logged-in Users" vs. "Guest Users" to understand their unique paths to conversion.
4. Explain the Container in Segments
In Adobe Analytics, containers define the scope of data for a segment.
Hit Container: Filters specific page views or actions.
Visit Container: Filters data within a session.
Visitor Container: Filters all data associated with a user.
5. What is the Use of Calculated Metrics?
Calculated metrics allow you to create custom KPIs by combining existing metrics. For example, calculate Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) by dividing revenue by total users.
6. Analysis Workspace
Analysis Workspace is a drag-and-drop interface that simplifies data visualization and analysis. It lets you create custom dashboards, build ad hoc reports, and uncover insights in real-time.
7. Visitor and Visit Concepts
Visitor: A unique user identified via Experience Cloud ID.
Visit: A session that ends after 30 minutes of inactivity or at midnight.
8. MID (Marketing Cloud ID) and Experience Cloud ID Services
The MID is a unique identifier that links user activity across Adobe Experience Cloud solutions, ensuring unified tracking and analysis.
9. Merchandising eVar
Merchandising eVars track product-specific attributes such as size, color, or category during a purchase flow, even when those attributes aren’t immediately visible.
10. Image Request Parsing
An image request captures all data sent to Adobe servers during a hit, such as page names, variables, and visitor IDs. Parsing helps troubleshoot tracking and validate data collection.
11. getQueryParam
The getQueryParam plugin extracts query parameters from URLs (e.g., campaign IDs) and assigns them to Adobe variables for tracking purposes.
12. Data Collection Query Parameters
These parameters include variables such as page views, events, and visitor IDs, sent via server calls to track user activity on your site.
13. What is DTM?
DTM (Dynamic Tag Management) is a legacy tag management system by Adobe, replaced by Adobe Launch for enhanced data collection and tag management, which is called Data Collection or Tags now.
14. Ways to Implement Analytics
You can implement Adobe Analytics using:
JavaScript libraries (AppMeasurement)
Adobe Launch(Tags)
APIs (for custom setups)
15. Difference Between Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics
Google Analytics: Easier to use, free version available, limited customization.
Adobe Analytics: Highly customizable, robust integrations, and better for enterprise-level reporting.
16. Export and Import Tools
Adobe provides tools like Data Warehouse, Report Builder, and APIs to export and import data for analysis or integrations.
17. Data Sources
Data Sources enable the import of offline data (e.g., CRM or call center data) into Adobe Analytics to enrich reporting.
18. Classification
Classifications group and organize data into meaningful categories, such as mapping campaign IDs to campaign names.
19. Processing Rule
Processing rules allow you to manipulate data during collection, such as assigning values to variables dynamically.
20. Processing Order
The Processing Order determines how server-side logic and processing rules are applied to incoming data.
21. Marketing Channels
Marketing Channels track traffic sources such as paid search, social media, and email campaigns, helping measure ROI by channel.
22. Internal URL Filter
Internal URL filters help exclude internal traffic or define specific pages as internal links for accurate data segmentation.
23. "Other" in Pages Report
The "Other" category appears when the report exceeds the 500,000-row limit or when data is too sparse to display individually.
24. s.t and s.tl Implementation
s.t: Used for tracking page views.
s.tl: Used for tracking custom link events like downloads or external links.
25. Difference Between s.t and s.tl
The key difference is scope: s.t is for full-page hits, while s.tl is for events not tied to page loads.
26. What is Data Range?
The Data Range defines the time period for which data is analyzed in reports or dashboards.
27. Virtual Report Suite
Virtual Report Suites segment data within a single report suite, enabling focused analysis without duplicating data.
Menu customization allows admins to tailor Adobe Analytics menus for specific users, ensuring a streamlined experience.
29. Experience Cloud Integration
Adobe Experience Cloud provides a unified environment for integrating Analytics with other Adobe solutions like Target, Audience Manager, and Campaign.
30. Report Suite and Rollup
Report Suite: Tracks data for a specific domain or business unit.
Rollup: Aggregates data from multiple report suites.
This guide covers only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Adobe Analytics capabilities. Explore these concepts and put them into practice to unlock actionable insights and drive better business decisions!