
Progressive Web App, or PWA and Adobe Analytics

A Progressive Web App, or PWA, is a web application that uses modern web technologies and design patterns to provide a reliable, fast, and engaging user experience.
PWA websites are fast, secure, responsive, and cross-browser compatible. They are able to work offline and act like a native app on mobile.

There is no OOB and direct connector for the implementation of Adobe Analytics on PWA. But here we can use Data Insertion API i.e server-side implementation as we use in the case of Kiosk.

For server side implementation client have to use Data Insertion API. : https://github.com/AdobeDocs/analytics-1.4-apis/blob/master/docs/data-insertion-api/index.md

In client side implementation VisitorAPI.js automatically grabs and sends the Experience Cloud ID but in case of server side implementation you have to have the visitor API load on your site, grab the ID it produces and then send it via the cloud deployment platform of your choice.

Reference : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/id-service/using/reference/analytics-reference/server-side.html?lang=en#server-side-implementation-mixed-with-javascript


In case of client side implementation :  (VisitorAPI and Appmeasuremen is available in console)

In case of server side: (only Visitor API is present)

Adobe Article on PWA does say that the tracking is seamless but there are many instances when the tracking does not work as expected so for the effective tracking Data Insertion API is the best bet here for long term considering the changes in the polices of Brower as well.

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